'The Human Being of the Future', Daniele Boido

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Real Spirituality is based on our current reality and was created for those of you who desire true success externally and internally. By focusing on various stages of personal spiritual development culminating with Conscious Awareness, you will be able to achieve an optimal level of fitness, relaxation, mental power, inner strength and stability.


These are the words by Daniele Boido, a man who inspired, influenced and guided Annie Lennox, Bryan Ferry, Colin Firth, Bob Geldof and many others, to find their inner peace and stability. Reflections, beliefs and experience he transfused into “The Human Being Of The Future”, a masterpiece that Annie Lennox has described as "a rather wonderful book...helpful, encouraging and inspiring...".


In cooperation with Daniele Boido, now partner of our company, Tecla Consulting team is to enable these words of wisdom reach wider, non-English speaking, audience by translating the book into Italian, Spanish, Russian and Serbian! We will be keeping you posted!


Get your copy today and discover secrets of this Non-Spiritual Guide to Spirituality!